
Price: -
Class: Healer Healer
Flying: yes
Base Stats (Level Up)
Range: 4
Ico attack Damage: 240 (+12)
Ico hp Hitpoints: 1900 (+95)
Ico attackspeed ATK SPD: 1500ms
Ico movespeed Move SPD: 170
Base Evo Stats (Level Up)
Evo1 Ico attack DMG: [612+] 336 (+12)
Evo1 Ico hp HP: [16198+] 2660 (+142)
Evo2 Ico attack DMG: [592+] 672 (+12)
Evo2 Ico hp HP: [30187+] 5320 (+213)
Skill: Petal Dance
Skill Petal Dance
Deals 60% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 60% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 10s. Has Lv 5 Scatter.


Level Description Upgrade Points
1/10 Deals 60% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 60% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 10s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. -
2/10 Deals 80% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 80% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 9.5s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 2,000
3/10 Deals 100% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 100% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 9s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 10,000
4/10 Deals 120% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 120% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 8.5s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 30,000
5/10 Deals 140% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 140% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 8s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 70,000
6/10 Deals 160% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 160% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 7.5s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 120,000
7/10 Deals 190% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 190% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 7s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 200,000
8/10 Deals 220% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 220% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 6.5s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 500,000
9/10 Deals 250% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 250% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 6s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 800,000
10/10 Deals 280% ATK at 3 foes & removes buffs. Heals 3 allies for 280% ATK & removes debuffs. CD: 5.5s. Has Lv 5 Scatter. 1,600,000

Recommended Talents

Below are up to six recommended Talents for the Hero, based on the Hero's type, stats and skill.
Talent Description Scenario Explanation
Talent Berserk
Increases ATK SPD by XX%. Boss battle, Arena, Lost Realm, Raids, WG, Dungeons Even under cooldown her 5/5 scatter will always active, thus reducing every boss/demon's energy. With Pumpkin Duke's buff stacks her enemy will never be able to proc.
Talent Revitalize
Gain XX% Energy at the start of battle. Boss, Arena, Lost Realm, Raids, Dungeons 3/5 should sufficient to help the team debuff every enemy proc.
Talent Revive
Revive with XX% HP restored. Boss battle, Lost Realm, Arena, WG, Dungeons Another life to help the team to prevent boss/demon's proc.
Talent Bulwark
Increases ATK and Max HP in battle by XX% Boss battle, Arena, Raids, Dungeons Giving her more resources to make sure the team win the battle.
Talent War God
War God
Increases ATK by XX%. Boss Lost Realm, Arena, Raids, Dungeons Adding more damages to her proc.
Talent Slow Down
Slow Down
Has a 25% chance to reduce enemy SPD by XX% for 5 secs when attacking. Boss battle, Arena, HBM, WG Slowing Down the enemy while reducing his energy is very useful, especially good with her long range.