Spirit Mage

Spirit Mage
Price: -
Class: Mage Mage
Flying: yes
Base Stats (Level Up)
Range: 3
Ico attack Damage: 270 (+13)
Ico hp Hitpoints: 1,200 (+60)
Ico attackspeed ATK SPD: 1,000ms
Ico movespeed Move SPD: 140
Base Evo Stats (Level Up)
Evo1 Ico attack DMG:
[669+] 378 (+13)
Evo1 Ico hp HP: [10230+] 1680 (+90)
Evo2 Ico attack DMG:
[643+] 756 (+13)
Evo2 Ico hp HP: [19065+] 3360 (+135)
Skill Magic Missile
Skill Magic Missile:
Deals 200% DMG to 2 random nearby targets.


Level Description Upgrade Points
1/10 Deals 200% DMG to 2 random nearby targets. -
2/10 Deals 220% DMG to 3 random nearby targets. 2,000
3/10 Deals 240% DMG to 4 random nearby targets. 10,000
4/10 Deals 260% DMG to 5 random nearby targets. 30,000
5/10 Deals 280% DMG to 6 random nearby targets. 70,000
6/10 Deals 300% DMG to 7 random nearby targets. 120,000
7/10 Deals 320% DMG to 8 random nearby targets. 200,000
8/10 Deals 340% DMG to 9 random nearby targets. 500,000
9/10 Deals 360% DMG to 10 random nearby targets. 800,000
10/10 Deals 380% DMG to 11 random nearby targets. 1,600,000
  1. Each Slow Down lasts for an estimated duration of 2secs and is issued every 0.4secs to DMG'd targets
  2. Each skill Target is an AOE (Area Of Effect) missile / rocket impacting multiply targets within that AOE
  3. 10% DMG is done every 0.4secs over the 4sec skill duration

Recommended Talents

Below are up to six recommended Talents for the Hero, based on the Hero's type, stats and skill.
Talent Description Scenario Explanation
Talent Berserk
Increases ATK SPD by XX%. Daily boss battle, Arena, Raids, Dungeons Berserk allows Spirit Mage to rip apart bases. Combined with Pumpkin Duke's celebrate, and you will see few enemy standing.
Talent War God
War God
Increases ATK by XX%. Daily boss battle, Arena, Raids, Dungeons Killing enemy heroes and buildings in just a couple procs, 'ain't nobody got time for that!'
Talent Revitalize
Gain XX% Energy at the start of battle. Arena, Raids, Dungeons Start off an arena match with a bang, combine this with a couple other Revitalize heroes and watch your arena rating soar to the top.
Talent Bulwark
Increases ATK and Max HP in battle by XX% Daily Boss Battles, Arena, Raids, Dungeons Gives him some much needed survivability as well as damage. Very effective for those more difficult dungeons.
Talent Revive
Revive with XX% HP restored. Arena, Raids, Dungeons From experience, Spirit Mage likes to die...alot. Why not give him another chance?
Talent Stone Skin
Stone Skin
Reduces damage taken by XX%. LR, Mesa, Raids, Dungeons, LB Reducing incoming damage will keep SM live longer.